Thursday, March 27, 2014

Faking it.

We're plastic. Fake. Mostly. Simply because we have to be. 

We pretend to like someone. To like certain food. To enjoy certain music. It simply is expected of us. 

It actually is good manners to fake it. 

To show pleasure when in actual fact we don't like what we're eating, watching, listening to, or even are with. 

We were conditioned to lie. 

Growing up we were taught good manners. And in doing so, it actually is rude to tell the truth. 

We don't go around saying "Hi... You look a bit fat today huh" or "Hello... Times must be tough eh, with your hair receding so fast". 

We simply don't. 

We lie or we ignore the truth. That's the right thing to do. 


No matter how we fake, we can't fake what we love. 

Who we love and what we love is a passion. What we enjoy... The people we're with, the job we do, the food we enjoy, the places we love. 

We can't fake love. 

Because whenever we do we simply will fail. And it is rude to pretend to like something so much, when you actually hate it. 

Good manners comes in moderation, and love on the other hand comes with passion. 

So perhaps while we fake our life away, it is also equally important to seek what is it that we love. 


We can live and lie to everyone else. 


We can't live and lie to ourselves.

*penulisan ZZ